APSU in Quebec
Summer 2024 • Some Courses Open to all Majors • Five Weeks
July 2024 (Final dates TBA)
Program Overview
Be immersed in the French language for a semester or academic year while learning from native French-speaking instructors and living with a French-speaking family in the heart of the beautiful Saguenay region of Quebec. Classes are offered at the École de Langue Française et de Culture Québécoise at the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi. Basic knowledge of French is required, or permission from the APSU instructor who manages this program. In addition to your French studies, you will visit a historic village and zoo in the La St. Jean region of Quebec and explore the fjords of the Saguenay. An optional pre-program weekend in Quebec City is available. This pre-program weekend includes museums, live music, and shopping. The itinerary is tentative and subject to change.
Credit Hours and Courses
Five-week program and up to 6 credit-hours. Students will register for APSU's FREN 3040: Study Abroad in Quebec.
Lodging and Meals
Lodging with a French-speaking family and most meals are included. Your host family will provide breakfast and most dinners. Lunch and the remaining dinners are provided in the university cafeteria. You must provide your own meals during the pre-program weekend excursion in Quebec City.
Dr. Karen Sorenson at (931) 221-6246 or sorensonk@apsu.edu
Dr. Christophe Konkobo at (931) 221-7596 or konkoboc@apsu.edu
Program Costs
Financial Aid
Your current scholarships and financial aid may apply toward the cost of the program. If you plan on using financial aid you need to call the Office of Student Financial Aid at (931) 221-7907 to schedule an appointment with a study abroad counselor.
Application Fee
This nonrefundable application fee will be charged to the student's account once the student authorizes the Office of Study Abroad and International Exchange during the application process.
Due Dates
1st Payment
March 15
2nd Payment
April 15
All Payments will be billed to the Student's Account on the payment deadlines.
$1752 (undergraduate)
This tuition is based on 6 credit hours. Tuition is due prior to departure and will be billed to the student's account after registration.
Total Application, Program, and Tuition Costs
Undergraduate: $5599 (Final Program Costs TBA)
Included in the Program Cost
Additional Expenses
- passport: $165
- spending Misc.: $300
- books: $15
- Airfare/Transportation: $1000-$1200